Sunday, May 9, 2010

Course Contract

1. To learn how to motivate all of my students to understand what I am teaching them.
2. To always learn something new from this class every week, not just becasue i need the grade but because I want to.
3. To learn how to better understand my students.

My weekly preperation plan is to stay on top of all of the homework. I need to take the time out of my day to look over all the asignments that I have for this class, and then plan out the time that I am going to do them. I also need to stay in contact with my classmates and the teacher to make sure I am doing what i need to be doing for the class. I will also make to do list and use them to make sure that i am geting allof the work done.

To study for this class my plan is to go to class and take notes and pay attention while in class, and then to make sure I do the homework that goes along with what we talked in class as well. Also to do the study guides that will help me study for the tests. Something thathelps me study and understand the concepts in class is repition. The more i read something or wrtie something down the more i remember it.

If i do not understand a topic that we are going over, I am first going to go to my classmates to see if they can help and we can help eachother understand. And if i still need help i am going to go to the interent and the book for more understanding of the topics.

I will reach my goals in the course by doingmy part to succeed. By putting in the hard work to my studying and homework. By paying attention in class and managing my time to do the best in this class that I can.

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