Monday, June 21, 2010

Field Response Journal, Part I

Question 9:
My exspeicence with how long a teacher waits to give the answer toa question or to call on someone to comment is usually not enough time. Research shows that a teacher should wait 3 seconds after asking the question to go on with the answer or comments. The average teacher usually dose not wait, and just continues to answer the question. By gving the time in btween lets the students think about the question and trying to figure out an answer. In my classes that i have had if the teacher waits just the enough amount of time, i start thinking about what the subject is and i want to know the answer becasue I want to be called on so i can give the answer. If the teacher waits to long then there is an akard silence, but sometimes that is what teacher wants. They want us to really think and want us to form an answer or an opinnon. I feel like this is all apart of geting our brain going and ready to learn.

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