Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cours Contract Reveiw #1

1. What I feel like I am doing well is understanding the imformation that is being taught to me. I am understanding how this class and all of the information that I am learning is going to help me when I am taching in the schools. I am at this point still motivated in what I am learning and is wanting to continue to do so.

2. I am not giving myself enough time to study and to do all of the assignments that I need to get done. I was in London during some of the semester so it was hard to want to do homework while i was over there. I should have and then I feel this far behind. I need to continue to stay on top of what I am doing so that i can continue and learn what I need to.

3. One if my goals was to understand the material that I need to so that I can help my students the best way that I can. I feel that I am learning just that. I am learning how the brain works and how to motivate my students so that they will want to learn from me. It is important to always remember what my studens need and understand how they learn. The clearer that I can be when giving instruction the better they will understand and be successful.

4. The main thing that i need to change is to complete assignemnts on time, and if I dont make sure I am still learning in the process od getting them done. Come to class ready to listen and participate. That is the best way that i learn is hands on.

5. My motivation is still wanting to understand the material so that I can be a better teacher. Some what I am just trying to get through the semester. So i need to change my thinking and take in all that I can.

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